A bit of a rip off of Dune and the Risen Empire. I hope there’s enough in here to spark the imagination and create situations for a 4 page game. I may need to add descriptions for the core worlds, and the midlands.
State of the Universe
Once humanity discovered stardrive, which allows for travel faster than light, it spread among the stars. One hundred and forty planets were discovered that could support human life, and they were colonized. After 1000s of years and many wars, humanity united under the discovery of life in the physical form after death. An oligarchical theocracy rules humanity and bestows and maintains undead status to those it chooses. The source of this ability is a highly guarded secret. In the core world’s very few humans are left alive as most have assumed undead status and choose to live forever as undead. The undead throughout the years have amassed the power and wealth of the theocracy into the hands of the few.
The Church
Once the biggest belief system among humans and it’s banner was flown during the conquest of the galaxy. As humans became undead, they dropped the belief system which rewarded believers with nirvana after death. The church still has followers among some powerful factions of undead. It seeks to help the living, but it has been weakened.
Our Blessed Mother’s Breeding Program
A clandestine program that seeks out the remaining live women capable of child bearing now or in the future and places them under the protection of the Church. This program is dedicated to protecting and extending the sanctity of human life. It operates on many planets and always hiding in plain view. It is said that these women and their children have great powers that only increase as the breeding plan proceeds. They are always on the lookout for wild genes birthed outside the program.
Time Dilation
The use of stardrive subjects travelers to time dilation. For every day traveled, five pass at home. Some wealthy living families regulate aging at home using cryogenics. Some travelers meet their children’s children in old age.
Wild Genes
Throughout the breeding program, some outer rim planets were seeded with favorable genes and left alone for evolution to work its wonders. As the time passed, genes emerge with new powers. These are hunted and destroyed by the theocracy and sought out by the breeding program.
The capital world of the theocracy and home to the secret of undead immortality. Much of the ruling oligarchy calls this planet home and participates in the elaborate court. The outer planets in the Constance system serve as the center of trade, and the royal navy is based here. The Quantum Communication Commission is based on Constance’s only moon.
Outer Rim
The 23 planets considered part of the outer rim are mainly left to their own devices by the theocracy as the distance from Constance is great. These planets are mainly populated by live humans, and a few are left alone by the breeding program to produce wild genes. Some of the Outer Rim planets are highly advanced visions of hope for live humanity and others are depressing subjected to oppression. Almost anything goes in the Outer Rim.
Outer Liberty
A wild planet in the Outer Rim populated by the living ruled under the hammer fist of an undead family. Birthplace of many wild genes, and home to some of the players.
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